ACN currently sponsors at least 150 Christian students on the Pope Francis Scholarship Programme at the Catholic University in Erbil, northern Iraq. Open to Christians, Yazidis and others, the university is set to increase its student numbers to over 1,000. The students, many of whom belong to displaced communities driven out of their homes by ISIS will have fresh hope for a better future. “Without doubt, the Catholic University of Erbil is a beacon of light and a symbol of hope, especially for the younger generation,” says Chaldean Archbishop Bashar Warda, founder of the university. Joudy Fouad is training to be an architect and dreams of helping to rebuild her home city. She says: “I remember how beautiful it used to be.” Your Gift of Faith can sponsor a student at the university, offering them a life-changing education and the chance to help rebuild their beloved country. You can make a difference for so many young Christian people who want to stay in their country and build a better future. Kindly, be their hope.